my changing inner self.. take one

due to space restrictions had to remove my personality test
just get to know me better and you won't need to read that shit
you'll meet the real deal
the one who changes personality every month
yes i know
i'm fun to be with
i promise you not a boring day in your life


  1. Anonymous10:45 AM

    No prometas cosas que sabes que no puedes cumplir.

  2. ding ding ding
    i got a reader

    just by that comment
    it seems that you don't know me at all then

    and guess what
    being anonymous won't help to get to know you

  3. carlo, no sabes cuanto odio eso que te dejen comentarios anonimos, asi me dejo uno alguien a mi dandome una tanda, dike ke yo no tenia identidad, hell, lo primero que le dije es que el tampoco pq no daba la cara...

    about lo de fun day with carlo, hum....well...could be true...prove it, i've got faith in you...

  4. jaaaaaaaaaa u got nerves kiddo

    this is for my anoymous friend

    get out of the closet my friend
    take a deep breath
    come on you can do it
    i know i did

    come outside
    there's much more fun when you face the day

  5. Anonymous4:52 PM

    somebody just got overly exited...

    do you always write down
    in pieces
    just like this?

    this is just me being curious...

    Allow this anonimacy to be my mask for a little while, just as this foreing language is yours.

  6. finally this turned up to be fun

    if you haven't noticed i do trend to write like that

    you can see it all over my blog

    i feel that it sets the pace
    a rythm if you prefer

    you know i hate writing to someone i don't know
    at least come up with a name
    make it more personal

    just when i like to get confortable
    i might called u "Ano" and that my friend just does not sounds right. But this is an unrated blog...

    about my foreign language i believe no language is foreign if you have the knowledge

    and unfortunately, this, my dear Ano ( you see? ) is the international language. i do want my thoughts and feelings to go beyond frontiers

    now this is a free world, if you want to express yourself anonymously you can do it. But DON'T talk to me like you know me then. DON'T give me this patriotic shit you want to pull off.

  7. Anonymous10:30 PM

    your dear ano is the international language?

    and patriotic shit! that's elegant!
    just when I thought this could be fun...

    Creo que no hay necesidad de ser "rude".
    but it seems that you are just another pathetic wanna be...

    lets the flames beging, but burn yourself alone, I'm out of here!


  8. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Bye my dear Ano.
