finally saw it
sucked big time
i mean, with all my respects to HBO productions, this by far, has been the worst documentary ive ever seen in my life
it has nothing to do whatsoever with Santo Domingo's sex life
not the Santo Domingo that i know
where ive grown
and that still amaze me for its "ingenuity"
i gotta say, it's a great production, excelent photography, editing and music (of course Cerati, should i say more?)
but let's face it
the argument
not even Spielberg or Lucas could have done it better
science fiction at its best
People come on, not even a hooker in the states can afford to live like the "hooker" they presented, a high class appartment in one of the city most expensive locations?
people, let's be honest
that girl, i mean, the closest she had been to a jacuzzi before was inside a motel
and i can bet on that
the taxi driver
ohh the taxi driver
he should have been nominated for The Casandras
i mean it
he should be hosting a radio show at least
i mean, he's the most educated taxi driver in this country i believe, if not the most, one of the most ( i dont want to offend anyone here)
now, i heard Nuria, did a special program telling the truth behind this "movie"
(people, lets face it, this is good for the movie business, come on, its a dominican movie)
so they say they were tricked to do it
(see why i ment naive?)
and i was born yesterday
and i suck my thumb
for my own mental health i wont say any more about this particular issue
honestly people
they tricked you to do this????
i mean i can understand that answer from one the "actors" there (i hope you guys know who, he who does not have even a... melon of brain...) but that they were tricked??
i wonder what was the trigger
hey.. dude... we are here to film.... ahhhh.. a condom commercial... would you like to be part of it?
so for all of you who have not seen this docu-fiction, i wont say any more
not because i've run out of things to say, just because 1- i'm tired and 2- i really want you guys to suffer like i did
images thanks to hbo-la.tv (c) and flickr.com (c)
I have to agree. This Docu-Ficcion was a piece of crap,if you were looking for actual "facts". If you wanted to see nice looking dominican women naked and having sex, then "BUY THIS", because it delivers.
ReplyDeleteThe taxi driver was the funniest thing ever, since he knew everything there is to know about Dominican nightlife and sex and according to him, only Rome during Caligula and current Vietnam can compare to the depravity of "La Capital". I lived there and I have family there. I'm not saying there aren't lesbians, nor gay men (of course!!), but "30% of all dominican women have had sex with other women or more than one man"???. WHO GOT THOSE NUMBERS??? This show was nothing but an excellent attraction for wealthy american and european sickos to come to the island expecting to get all their sexual desires fulfilled. Not by prostitutes, but by any Dominican woman they meet in a club, because according to the documentary, they are all super freaks!!
I saw this Documentary!! I thought it as excellent the Taxi driver was a cool pana. I thought the girls were sensual and it wasn't done trashy and I think if these girls make 500$ a night they could afford a nice apartment...they meet alot of "clients". I have family in San Pedro and Samana...and I have seen alot of stuff in the nite in Santo Domingo. I can tell you are a nice conservative guy and maybe a little sheltered no offense. Iw as in Boca Chica last March and met two lesbians...hanging out with a gay duide ready to get into a threesome...and me being a "dominicanyork" when I got off the plane the taxi guys took me too a secret discotecas where one girl was dancing with another kissing and the other wanted to unbuckle my pants...they are out there. I do think this was for american and Eurpean men to want to come here but there is no denying...there is alot of debauchery to be had everywhere...I will give you its not as bad as Thialand, Bejing...or Bangkok.
ReplyDeleteWhat the hell are you guys talking about,I was born in La Romana,and raise in the US, and I loved this piece, it put the DR in the map.this documentary show the beauty of our beaches, our women, and our forever obsession with sex, I was so impressed with the piece,I am going to book a trip.I think it had a high class view,and you guy could not relate to it, it was not about your average hood rat chick making a booty call, or your nice and flirty Dominican girl being "fresca" or dominant. the beautiful Dominican young woman were in control of their lives, if they were not representing what typical Young Dominican women are or do, it certainly was representing the new Young prospective of our country,in the fact that beauty is a commodity.I personally loved Joyce.
ReplyDeletemannie...im sorry but if you really feel that the stupid documentary put Dominican Republic on the map? you must be on some shit!! lol. Im from Santo Domingo myself. We should go out there and film the real shit en la Capital..por el mirador de el sur kilometro 8 y la calle antonio alvarez! todos eso callejones! Down in Barahona all the way up to the fucking campo of Constanza! I love my country but i jus feel that some people need to get their facts right.
ReplyDeleteone more thing. Some Dominican women are in it for a visa...jus saying. lol Like that movie Sanky Panky..that shit was more realistic than that waq ass documentry!! I Love MY COUNTRY! Dominicano Hasta LA TAMBORA!!!