Sexo Urbano Ciencia Ficcion en Santo Domingo

finally saw it
sucked big time
i mean, with all my respects to HBO productions, this by far, has been the worst documentary ive ever seen in my life
it has nothing to do whatsoever with Santo Domingo's sex life
not the Santo Domingo that i know
where ive grown
and that still amaze me for its "ingenuity"
i gotta say, it's a great production, excelent photography, editing and music (of course Cerati, should i say more?)
but let's face it
the argument
not even Spielberg or Lucas could have done it better
science fiction at its best
People come on, not even a hooker in the states can afford to live like the "hooker" they presented, a high class appartment in one of the city most expensive locations?
people, let's be honest
that girl, i mean, the closest she had been to a jacuzzi before was inside a motel
and i can bet on that
the taxi driver
ohh the taxi driver
he should have been nominated for The Casandras
i mean it
he should be hosting a radio show at least
i mean, he's the most educated taxi driver in this country i believe, if not the most, one of the most ( i dont want to offend anyone here)
now, i heard Nuria, did a special program telling the truth behind this "movie"
(people, lets face it, this is good for the movie business, come on, its a dominican movie)
so they say they were tricked to do it
(see why i ment naive?)
and i was born yesterday
and i suck my thumb
for my own mental health i wont say any more about this particular issue
honestly people
they tricked you to do this????
i mean i can understand that answer from one the "actors" there (i hope you guys know who, he who does not have even a... melon of brain...) but that they were tricked??
i wonder what was the trigger
hey.. dude... we are here to film.... ahhhh.. a condom commercial... would you like to be part of it?
so for all of you who have not seen this docu-fiction, i wont say any more
not because i've run out of things to say, just because 1- i'm tired and 2- i really want you guys to suffer like i did
images thanks to hbo-la.tv (c) and flickr.com (c)
this is not a jewish post

just by looking at this picture you might say
what the fuck?
has he gone jewish?
not that i have anything against it
just this post has nothing to do with it
that's a star
look carefully
there, u see?
when i was a little boy, i remember i used to get rewarded with stars
dunno why, now i look back and it's like a horrible thing to do to a little child
the other kids staring at you
why does he gets to have a star?
i'm good (in my own way) i deserve a star as well
pushing kids to be like the other who got the star
when its their nature not to
(get my point?)
well anyway this is a star i'm giving you
yah, you
even though we have met each other for just a couple of months
you have earned that star from me
and lately it might seem we are forgetting about each other
i keep you in mind
dunno why
never done this before
i've never given out an star before
i hope you find your right path
and do what ever you want to do and achieve in life
you got the potential
just use it
use it right

we are always on the look for something
for a place to be
for a love
for a friend
for a ... life
it's human nature be this way
always looking
but do we always find?
at least something worth keeping
and when we DO find it, we let it go
human nature as well
my explanation is that, this world it's so full of shit, when we find something this good
we just can't believe it and let it go, because as usual, it will be full of shit
so we are always like this searchlight
stop on time
always looking
always finding
faces of evil

have you ever seen the faces of evil?
every single day we see them
it could be our own face on the mirror
it could be your neighbors
they are everywhere
we just need to identify them
don't ask me
i have a nature for trusting people right away
that's not good
i know
i will learn with time

i don't know if you guys ever done this
i mean it, literally stand aside and watch others do their thing
i did
and it was great
this fascinating women comes out of this world walking like she's the most beautifull lady in the universe, i'm guessing, she just bought something to make her feel good, and it shows, this lady can
and will ran over youf life with this attitude
i want to meet her again
just to say thanks
thanks for possing for me without knowing
first post

well this is it, i got a blog
now what?
my first post and already got writers block (sooooo cool) (nevermind that comment, i'm back)
you know, i once did an essay of how difficult it was to express myself when i had no direction whatsoever
my best work yet
but anyways i have decided this blog will be a picture blog
there will be some comments, hopefully answering your comments from the pictures i will be posting
as the name says it
it could be anything
it could be nothing
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